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sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2012


Vida de Pi de Yann Martel
(Aunque yo he leído el libro en versión original, la traducción se encuentra sin problema en las librerías. Debajo he puesto también el comentario en inglés y un vídeo de una entrevista con el autor . Supongo que porque mi faceta de profesora del idioma de Shakespeare irá saliendo cada vez más....)
El autor, Yann Martel,   pasó varios años en la India visitando todo tipo de templos y leyendo historias de naúfragos, actividades que dieron como resultado la excelente historia que hoy os presento.
En el libro conoceremos a Piscine Molitor Matel (Pi), hijo del director de un zoo en Pondicherry (India). Pi tiene 16 años y un tremendo interés en conocer todo lo posible sobre las diferentes religiones y no tiene ningún problema en profesar el cristianismo, el hinduísmo y el Islam al mismo tiempo.
En la primera parte de la obra, a la vez que conocemos al adolescente Pi, encontramos párrafos muy interesantes sobre el comportamiento  animal.
Su padre decide emigrar a Canada, desmantela el zoológico y vende la mayor parte de los animales pero aquellos de los que no logra desprenderse no duda en llevárselos a Canada en el mismo barco en el que viajan él y su familia.
El barco naufraga y tenemos en un bote salvavidas a Pi como único superviviente junto a una cebra, un orangután, una hiena y ¡un tigre de Bengala! (de nombre Richard Parker).
Logra sobrevivir 227 días y cómo lo consigue es la parte principal del libro... hay que leerlo.
A mí me ha entusiasmado.

Life of Pi  by Yann Martel
Life of Pi is a fantasy adventure by Yann Martel. The writer, though nearly by accident, was born in Salamanca, his father being at the time a diplomat for the Canadian Government , posted those days in Spain. Martel is usually reported as being Canadian.
He studied philosophy in Canada and  has spent part of his time in India visiting temples, churches and zoos and has devoted two years to the reading of religious texts as well as castaway stories.
In Life of Pi we find a main character, Piscine Molitor Matel (a funny name with some hidden implications). He is an Indian boy from Pondicherry and he is the narrator and the main character of the story.
He was born a Hindu but his desire to explore spirituality leads him to become a Christian, Muslim and Hindu all at the same time. It has to do with one of the main topics of the novel: the idea of God over the idea of religions.
His father is the director of a zoo in Pondicherry and this is the set of the first part of the the book, where we can find some very interesting paragraphs and even chapters on animal psychology.
When Pi is sixteen his father decides to set off to Canada with his family so they embark on a Japanese cargo with some of the animals they had not been able to sell . But the boat sinks , Pi is the only survivor and finds himself on a lifeboat in the company of a zebra, an orangutan, a hyena and a Bengal tiger called Richard Parker.
Pi survives 227 days  adrift and..... there is the story..... which you should read.... I won't tell any more ...

It has been turned into a theatre play and the film adaptation , directed by Ang Lee,  is scheduled to be released in Spain, hopefully, by December 2012.

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